Transformational Healing
Intuitive Counseling
First, what is intuitive counseling?
Intuitive counseling is a counseling session with someone who is clairvoyant, intuitive, or psychic in one or more ways. A good intuitive counselor can quickly identify the underlying issues as well as effective solutions.
Why is it so Effective?
Some intuitive counselors, such as myself, are also licensed as counselors and have extensive training in one or more counseling methods.
On the other hand, some people doing intuitive counseling are clairvoyance or psychics with little or no professional counseling backgrounds. They will typically provide a reading for you which may give you an idea of what's going on. However, usually does not involve therapy that resolves the distressing emotional issues or treats past stressful experiences and traumas that are causing your problems.
And how does it help?
Intuitive counseling utilizes the gifts of the intuitive to identify the underlying causes of the issues. When they are licensed counselors, they can also provide the most efficient and effective methods for resolving the issues. This makes the sessions extremely efficient, productive, and helpful.

Dr. Charles Lightwalker
Testimonial >>

Harvey is a very gifted healer who takes the time to share his vast knowledge of the energetic functioning of the human body in his classes.
Dr. Charles Lightwalker
Joseph-Mark Cohen
Testimonial >>

A session with Harvey is fundamentally therapeutic & blessed with good fun & high humour.
Joseph-Mark Cohen
Diane, Medford, OR
Testimonial >>

I got further in an 1 1/2 hour session with Harvey than I did in a year and half of traditional talk therapy.
Diane Medford
Why choose intuitive counseling?
Get treatment as if your whole body is connected,
because it is!
Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Energetic and Nutritional Approaches to Whole Person Wellness
All Provided by Harvey Caine
Certified Counselor, Licensed Massage Therapist, Nutritional Consultant, Clairvoyant, and Energy Worker.